
Zurich-Buenos Aires

Over three weeks of wonderful time in Switzerland is over and now we are heading to Buenos Aires for little over three weeks. Our warmest thanks to all who made our trip possible and worthwhile. Dominik, Jelena, Dodo and of course friends and students from the classes and outside of classes. We had a chance to enjoy great milongas here before heading to the BIG milongas. It was good preparation. We met alot of old friends from BsAs here which again increased our fever... We also had a chance to see Switzerland a little bit more and that was interesting and fun!
On monday we fly to Helsinki and change planes there. On Tuesday we are already in a full run!!! We will be back just before Maailmantangofestivaali (World tango festival) in Tampere on 19th of September. See you there! Or maybe even earlier...?

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