
Back in Finland-for a while / Takaisin Suomeen-hetkeksi

After the fabulous tour in Switzerland we finally arrived in Helsinki and directely went to Tampere. We had a meeting with highly respected physiotherapist and Alexander-technique teacher Harri. He really is worth all the praise we have heard. 
Helsinki felt like a real tango-city last week-end! There was a milonga on Thursday, Saturday and Sunday with a Guest-DJ Jaana on Saturday. There was a lot of people, good music and even visitors from Russia! We had very nice classes during the week-end for three levels. It was relaxing to teach in Finnish for a change! And again, thank you Kaija for your hospitality!
Now we are trying to find our home and meet some friends before we drive to Tromsoe, Norway on the day after tomorrow! And this time we are going to stay for 10 days, so we have a lot of time to catch up with old friends, give private lessons and just hang around! There in addition Latin festival 'No Siesta Fiesta'!  We are soooo looking forward to meet all Tromsoevaeringa! D blir sååå kult!

Pitkän mutta hienon Sveitsin matkan jälkeen saavuimme viimein Suomeen ja Tampereelle. Kävimme maineikkaan Harri Laineen Alexander-tekniikkatunnilla, ja se oli kaiken sen kehun arvoinen mitä hänestä on kuultu. Kiitos vain toiselle Harrille (Salmi) kun järjestit tapaamisen. Viime viikonloppuna Helsingissä oli oikein suuren tangokaupungin meininki. Milongat torstaina, lauantaina ja sunnuntaina, ja lisäksi Vieraileva DJ Jaana Kuopiosta lauantain milongassa. Porukkaa oli paljon ja vielä Pietarista ryhmä vieraita! Viikonlopun kurssit olivat mukavia vaikka olikin hieman outoa (mutta rentouttavaa) opettaa suomeksi. 
Muutaman päivän loma kotona ja sitten taas baanalle. Lauantaina ajamme toiseen kotiin, Tromssaan, jossa on paljon seurusteltavaa ja tanssittavaa sekä latinofestivaali No Siesta Fiesta, jonne tulevat myös orkesteri Otra Vez sekä ystävämme Martin Alvarado!



Over five weeks in Switzerland is passed and we have finally found our way back to Finland. We had a great weekend in Chur (thank you Pina!) and again relaxing and enjoyable week in Davos Schatzalp. We were very happy that for the first time there were also a couple from Finland, Jussi and Marika who are great over-all dancers. They provided a lot of entertainment in the PianoBar, where they were able to dance anything the pianist played. Everybody was just astonished! We hope more Finns would find their way to Davos, it is such a fun week!
We had also a nice visit in Liesthal, near Basel. There is a small but enthousiastic community and we enjoyed working and dancing with them. We were also able to visit milongas in Basel a couple of times. Tomas from Freiburg played little unusual but VERY exciting music and we felt very much at home there. Thank you guys for taking care of us! 
On saturday evening Dominik hosted La milonga de los angelitos in Sousol, Luzern. There were a lot of people and good energy. We performed there and felt very good about everything! Dominik and Jelena, thank you for everything during our stay!!!!!